YouTube Keyword Planner

Discover 10,000+ YouTube keywords with Search Volume

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The YouTube Keyword Planner uses YouTube's auto-complete APIs to discover thousands of video keywords, along with their monthly search volume and CPC data.

YouTube Keyword Planner

How do I use the YouTube Keyword Planner?

Enter keywords from your niche in to the search box above. Then click the search button and in a few minutes the tool will find you thousands of ideas for your next YouTube video.

Will the YouTube Keyword Planner tool work for me?

Yes. The tool is used by YouTube creators to find out what their audience is actually looking for, and then creating new videos matching exactly that intent.

User generated searches

The YouTube autosuggest API's data is generated from actual searches done by YouTubers in YouTube. Since this comes directly from your target audience it's a treasure trove of ideas.

Search Volume for filtering

Monthly search volume data lets you filter and choose which videos to create first. Without this, You would be overwhelmed by the thousands of ideas the tool generates for you.

YouTube Keyword Planner Tool

How does the YouTube Keyword Planner work?

The tool uses YouTube's auto-complete APIs. It uses the seed keywords you enter to call this API using combination of prefixes and suffixes. By doing this it is able to call the API many times and find you thousands of video keywords. It also gives you the monthly volume, Cost per click and Adwords competition data for all the keywords using Keywords Everywhere's public API.